Homelessness Among Youth: By Jadyn Cleary

    Houston is the fourth largest city population wise in America. A high population number means a large homeless population as well.  Among the homeless in Houston & Harris County, TX, there are thousands of youth who are experiencing the negative consequences of homelessness.  For the 2011-2012 school year, over 10,000 children were registered as homeless in Harris County school districts. Youth who are in this situation are at high risk for depression, suicidal tendencies, mental disorders, physical abuse, pregnancy, juvenile incarceration, and more. Along with the physical toll this takes upon them and society comes the high cost of care needed to address medical and mental issues.
  I believe there are many things that can be done to directly counteract homelessness among youth. This includes initiatives and programs specifically designed to provide shelter to those who are homeless youth and specific services to address social and psychological issues for families and youth at risk of becoming homeless. Getting a good education should be emphasized to youth as a significant factor in getting a job that supports a positive lifestyle. Other actions include: (1) Providing counseling or outside intervention to assist families and youth who are experiencing conflict in the home, (2) Making shelters readily available to children if situations degrade to the point of youth electing to leave their homes, and (3) Educating School personnel on how to address the needs of homeless students and assist in ways that motivate, encourage, and promote learning in any environment. In general, as an advocate, donating time and finances to invest in those causes that mitigate homelessness or the negative consequences of homelessness, is a conscionable duty.

Work Cited:

“Youth Homelessness Profile of the City of Houston & Harris County, Texas.” Houston TX Gov, The Houston, TX Government, www.houstontx.gov/health/Youth/Homelessness%20FINAL.pdf.


Mr. Roddy said…
Great, carefully-considered post, Jadyn. What do you think the best way to fund these programs could be?

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