Improving Social Sustainability in Texas

   I, Hunter Richardson, Governor of the State of Texas, do declare,

   It has come to my attention that inequity is rampant at all levels of the Texas education system. This issue seems to have been amplified by the actions and policy of my predecessor, Gov. Greg Abbott. Through unnecessarily large government subsidies for private schools and restriction of the state’s financial aid to less wealthy school districts, Abbott has created an environment in our great State of Texas where the economically disadvantaged are also disadvantaged in the quality of their education. ial aid to school districts, he has created in our great State of Texas an environment where economic disadvantage is perpetuated by educational disadvantage. It will now be my goal to eliminate this issue through redirecting our school funds back in to our public education system and then fairly distributing them among our districts. From here on out, we will seek to balance completely fairly the per student budget each district has for supplies, new schools, faculty payment, etc. through the redistribution of funds. That said, aid programs focusing on financially at risk students like free meals and assistance with supply purchase will take into account each the size of those children’s populations in each district. Funding for buses and drivers will have to consider locational logistics of schools and neighborhoods, sizes and populations of districts, and income situations, though equality will still be the goal, with a special focus on a transportation setup that makes Magnet school attendance realistic for as many students as possible. We plan to have this all rolled out by the beggining of the next (2019) school.


Mr. Roddy said…
Great post! So what does fair distribution of funds look like?

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