Littering - State Governor

Cole Barger

Mr. Roddy


20 September 2018

Policy Towards Littering

The current laws in Texas about littering are stricter than some states, but they are not strict enough.
If what you litter weighs less than 5 pounds and you get caught, you will receive a class C misdemeanor with a fine of up to $500. You cannot receive jail time for a class C misdemeanor, but you can receive jail time from a class A or B misdemeanor. The amount that you litter will equal different punishments. The punishments are fairly high, but not high enough for people to think twice about littering. My policy as state governor would be to raise all littering to at least a class B misdemeanor. Even if you are seen just throwing one plastic bottle onto the road you will receive a class B and be required to do community service. The difference between a class C and B misdemeanor is that with B you can receive up to 30 days of jail time. Of course the more serious cases will get at least class A. I think that would be the first step into making people not want to litter. Without a punishment people will do whatever they want, so if we make the punishment worthwhile they will think twice before littering.

Works Cited


Mr. Roddy said…
Interesting post. I wonder what the challenges are in catching those who litter? Is that a factor in deterrence?

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