Sustaining the Wetlands

Cassandra Wilson
September 20, 2018

Sustaining the Wetlands

For many years,  wetlands have protected America from severe floods.  The wetlands in Louisiana are important to America because they help protect the land, people and businesses from storms and flooding. The moist land and plants of the wetlands work as a sponge to absorb storm water, this is beneficial because the more water that gets absorbed in the wetlands, the less water will cause flooding in urban areas and in homes and businesses. Wetlands also work as a natural barrier that decreases the intensity of a storm, so that if it moves further inland, it will not be as strong, and it will not cause as much damage as it would if there were no wetlands.

Canals created by humans were made so that boats could travel easy to and from the Gulf of Mexico. Since the Gulf of Mexico is salt water and the wetlands are fresh water, and the canals cause the two types of waters to mix, many plants and animals in the wetlands are harmed or killed. Also, climate change is causing the temperatures and sea levels to rise, meaning that even more salt water from the sea will find its’ way into the wetlands, drowning them out. Humans are also draining out wetlands to turn them into places to grow crops, causing even more loss of wetlands.

Some solutions to sustain the wetlands would be to stop building additional canals in the swamps to reduce the flow of salt water into the fresh water, and to fill in some of the existing canals by planting non-invasive wetland plants to restore the wildlife there.  As for climate change, using natural energy sources such as windmills and solar panels will help reduce emissions in the air that will cause the sea levels to rise. And as for the swamp land being used for agriculture, a solution would be to move these farmlands to an ecosystem less at risk, and abandon the land to let it once again absorb water and function as nature intended it to be.

Works Cited:


Mr. Roddy said…
This is a very important topic! What would be the challenges to moving people off of their property if they live in wetlands areas?

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