Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability
I think that the best way to address environmental sustainability is by doing so at the highest possible level of organization. This should ideally be done through international agreements. This is because when it comes to environmental sustainability, one country's actions can significantly impact other nations, especially when it comes to the topic of climate change, and to have a significant impact all countries must work together. If I was a world leader at the UN, I would work to put forward an international agreement with specific rules that all countries must follow. This would be based off of what leading climate scientists agree must be done in order to offset the effects of global climate change. I would try to have these regulations less heavily impact developing nations in the third world, as the negative economic effects of this in the short term might effect them much more heavily than it would a developed nation. I would however put heavy regulations on developed nations such as European countries, China and the United States, as they cause a large amount of pollution and would hopefully cope with the regulations more easily. Nations not following the rules set in place by this agreement would face sanctions. This seems somewhat harsh, and would likely upset many people in the short term, but I believe it is absolutely necessary for the long term benefit of all humanity. Hopefully by putting forward an effort to do things like switch to renewable energy, the nations of the world would be able to maintain the planet for future generations.


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