Civil War in Syria

Kayley Nguyen
Mr. Roddy
November 4, 2018
Civil War in Syria
The Syrian Civil War is a complex conflict that involves several nations, rebel groups, and terrorist organizations, and has devastated the entire country and its surrounding countries. In 2011 a nonviolent protest was started and quickly escalated into a intense warfare. What had originally begun as a protest against President Assad’s regime in 2011 had escalated into a war between the Syrian government; which was backed by Russia, Iran, and anti government rebel groups which was backed by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others. Since the fighting had begun more than 1,470,000 people were killed or had been injured, forcing millions of more people having to leave their homes and live as refugees. Some things that have influenced this conflict is the coalition efforts to defeat the Islamic State, violence between the Syrian
government and opposition forces, and military operations against Syrian Kurds by Turkish forces.
In 2013 the Islamic State had began attacking and seizing Syria for the control of territory. In 2015 Syria was targeted and hit by a series of terrorist attacks by the Islamic State. The United States, with the help of the United Kingdom, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia included their air campaign in Iraq to include Syria. Together all of these nations have sent over eleven thousand airstrikes against the Islamic State targets into Syria. Currently there are about 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria. According to the United States led coalition against the Islamic State, 98 percent of territory that is formerly held in Iraq and Syria have been reclaimed by Iraqi security forces. There have been many efforts to reach a diplomatic resolution but have been unsuccessful. Instead, over the years there has been numerous times where chemical weapons were used during the conflict. In conclusion, Syria has also not been successful in reaching a diplomation resolution and a political resolution, leaving Syrian regime officials struggling to find terms for resolving the conflict that are mutually acceptable.

“Why Is There a Civil War in Syria?”, A&E Television Networks,


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