Post WWII Peace in Japan -Izzie

Japan has had a complicated history with peace and conflict. The people there have been committed to creating peace since the end of WWI but lost track of that goal during WWII. This started over a hundred years ago when Western civilizations were spreading all over the world. When the Western civilizations began coming through Asia, Japan decided to not let these people take over. To prevent this, Japan created a constitutional government sooner than other countries in Asia and this helped them keep their independence. Then WWI happened and colonization slowed down greatly. At the end of WWI, 15 major countries agreed to General Treaty for the Renunciation of War. This treaty was created so that countries would not use war to solve conflicts. Japan kept with the other countries and continued the peace for a while but then when the Great Depression started impacting western countries, Japan’s economy suffered greatly. In an effort to get out of these issues they began using violence. Slowly the violence increased and evolved which lead to Japan’s involvement in WWII. After Japan was defeated they felt the sorrow and pain so greatly that they vowed to become pacifists. This meant that they were never to start a war or create violence again. They would only be able to engage in violence if they were attacked by another country first. Later, in 2014 there was a new policy written that would allow Japan to engage in war if it was to defend one of their allies. This policy has done great things to sustain peace in Japan.


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