The War in Afghanistan

Arjhong Mardani
Global Politics  
November 5, 2018
The War In Afghanistan

The War in Afghanistan commenced with the United States Invasion on Afghanistan in October of 2001. Prior to, the United States was supported by many, such as the UK, Canada, and later on, with many more countries and all members of NATO. The reason for this invasion was in order to abolish the Taliban and take out their positioning as a powerful political movement. The War in Afghanistan would be viewed as violent conflict which initially causes direct violence. Violent conflict usually consists of direct violence, which in this case is measured by the damage to infrastructure and death toll on both sides. It also means that people are being killed off as a cause of physical- direct action: which in short means, people are willingly killing people.

(Below you can see an image of a few Taliban members, obviously armed and capable of causing tremendous acts of terror)

This War is causing ongoing violence as it has not yet been put to an end. We would view violence in this situation as, “physical or psychological harm. That can be caused either by physical force by groups in conflict (Taliban and United States Army), or by structures within society or government that is causing injury, damage or death”, (again the Taliban groups can be used as reference).
Through this violence we can also see a major impact on Afghanistan as well as the United States Army, which is the root to all the trauma experienced. Trauma would be viewed as, “Emotional shock following the stress of conflict or violence.” We see shock take effect on the citizens of war torn Afghanistan, or families of U.S. soldiers who lost loved ones, or even the Taliban troops. For example, even though there is no evidence supporting that 9/11 was an inside job, many thought there were connections to the Taliban or even other forces in Afghanistan that directly or indirectly had to due with Osama Bin Laden. This caused major trauma in the United States and  Afghanistan, as the United States continued to go full force on the war. Trauma has been experienced all throughout this war and will continue to as long as it remains persistent.

(The images below depict images of Afghan citizens, Taliban members, as well as U.S. forces, whom all are experiences some form of Trauma VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED)

Work Cited:

Murphy , Robert. “Pearson Bacc ESS: GlobPol Etext.” Amazon, Amazon, 4 Feb. 2018,


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