Peace in New Zealand

Jadyn Cleary
Mr. Roddy
Global Politics in Histroical Context
9 December 2018
Peace in New Zealand
In 2017, New Zealand was declared the second most peaceful country out of 162 countries in the world by the Global Peace Index. The index describes peace as the absence of violence. New Zealand claims that the reason for this peace is rooted in their government which is a parliamentary majority. A parliamentary majority government means that a majority of the seats in a parliament must be in agreement on legislation in order to be passed. This allows for legislation to rarely not be passed and defeated in parliament. Because of this system, most laws are generally agreed on meaning that there is less political tension.
To understand completely why there is so much peace in New Zealand, you must look at the social politics there. New Zealand has always been a very progressive country. In fact, in 1893 it was the first country to grant all women the right to vote. It could be said that this set the progressive attitude for the country. All groups of people are accepted and protected by the government no matter their gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religious affiliation. This creates a culture there that has no room for hate or bigotry. As a result, New Zealand is an extremely diverse country. This promotes peace in the country because the people there are very openminded and accepting which stops conflict.
Another way New Zealand promotes peace is with the government protection of workers. Since the late 1800s, the government has been creating laws to ensure workers' housing and pay. In 2016, it became illegal in New Zealand for businesses to hire workers without giving them a set number of hours they would be able to work each week. This allows for workers to have more economic security by knowing how much they will get paid per week.
All of the aforementioned things combined make the culture and the political system one that promotes peace by ensuring that the laws that are passed are agreed upon by the majority, while also not infringing on the rights of the few. This system makes sure the working class is not taken advantage of.  
Works Cited:
Chapman, Paul. “New Zealand Named World's Most Peaceful Nation.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 3 June 2009,
McCrickard, Josie. “13 Reasons Why NZ Is the Most Progressive Country in the World.” Stuff, 15 Aug. 2017,


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