current events blog: France climate tax thing

Riots in the street of France over Emmanual Macron's Climate fighting tax plans. Macrons plan to fight climate change was to increase the already steep taxes that hap been put on petroleum fuels, the objective of this tax was to push motorists towards other green means of transportation. Macron's goal to lead the climate change action has slowed to a grinding halt because of the people of France can't deal with the large taxes he is imposing on the people.“No tax is worth putting in danger the unity of the nation,” said Prime Minister Édouard Philippe. many other French political figures don't agree with the tax.“Higher taxes on energy have always been a hard sell, politically,” said N. Gregory Mankiw, an economics professor at Harvard University and advocate of carbon taxes. “The members of the American Economic Association are convinced of their virtue. But the median citizen is not.”


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