Ethiopia Lets in Human Rights Watch for the First Time in 8 Years

Emily Routbort

Mr. Roddy


23 February 2019

Ethiopia Lets in Human Rights Watch for the First Time in 8 Years

     Its taken 2 years of protests for power to change in Ethiopia.  Last April, after 8 years, the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia took action to get rid of the reputation the country holds.  Abiy Ahmed, the new Prime Minister is working to abolish the reputation of being a country who tortures, detainees and spies on its people.  Ethiopia has released thousands of political prisoners and let abusive security force officers go. Furthermore, the conflict with Eritrea came to a halt after a whole decade. The country who was involved with gang violence, displacement of people from their homes,  and many more, has began to improve. Although there were over 2 million people displaced in Ethiopia and we are worried that the government may be forcing people back into their homes before it is safe, the new power change in Ethiopia has took great measures to change situations such as these. In an interview between Senior Researcher Felix Horne and interviewee, Amy Braunschweiger, topics of improvement as well as concerns about Ethiopia were brought up.  Ethiopia has changes so much in their architecture and people.  According to Braunschweiger, there was not as much ruble and worn down buildings and people talk more openly without fear about sensitive topics. The largest step forward for Ethiopia was that the opened up to the Human Rights Watch. With the HRW staff, who were officially permitted to visit Ethiopia after 8 years, Ethiopia has begun to improve as a country. 


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