French protestors' rights violations

An article in the Human Rights section of UN News discussed serious concerns among experts about the French government’s treatment of yellow vest protestors, citing excessive use of force as nearing violation of the protestor’s rights. They said of an additional law the French government wanted to pass to further restrict the protestors that it was “not in line with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which France is a Party.” Perhaps especially coming from a country founded on freedom of speech and assembly, it’s chilling to see these rights violated, especially in a first-world European democracy. While the government may argue that they have only resorted to measures as extreme as they have because of the violent nature of the protests, the article explained most experts agree the response is hugely disproportionate to the actual threat posed by the protestors. Seeing an argument so widely agreed to be false stand as defense on an international level is concerning, and seems to beg whether other countries are fulfilling their responsibility to protect. If, as it seems may be the case, France is getting a bit of a pass because of its strong ties, this becomes an issue not just of respect for citizen’s rights in France, but in much of the free world. Seeing Macron handle his country this way without too much consequence or pushback from other leaders raises questions about how other groups may in the future have their rights violated with exaggerated views of the threat they pose cited as the reason, especially those whose ends are at odds with those of their governments. Certainly governments ought to be able to step in to stop, say, gatherings of dangerous hate groups, but this example makes it clear there ought to be a line. While it may be tough to decide where that line may fall, it seems imperative that the decision be made in a clear way that may be referred back to as precedent, lest unjust violations of rights continue to occur.

"Rights of ‘gilets jaunes’ protesters in France, ‘disproportionately curtailed’, say UN independent experts", UN News, United Nations, 14 February 2019,


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