Human Rights in Brazil

Cole Barger
Mr. Roddy
24 February 2019
Human Rights in Brazil
Brazil inaugurated its new president, Jair Bolsonaro, on January 1, 2019. One of the very first things he did was abolish the human rights ministry in Brazil, and replace it with a new ministry that will look after women, human and family rights. The person in charge of this is an evangelical preacher who is against abortion and thinks that women were born to be mothers. She is also in favor of the government being led by the church. This decision was immediately criticized by many people, claiming that it would be a downgrade from the original one. It is not surprising that President Bolsonaro chose to do this given what he believes and has said in the past, specifically about indigenous people and the LGBT community. Tempers are rising and people are no longer afraid to physically express their opinions due to the election of President Bolsonaro. Brazil is a very dangerous place to be if you are apart of the LGBT community, infact Brazil has one of the highest homicide rates for the LGBT community in the world. Hate crimes are starting to ramp up even more because people feel comfortable to express their hateful opinions now that Bolsonaro is president. They feel comfortable because their president has said things like this “Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it,”. Many minorities in Brazil are starting to feel very unsafe, and worry if more of their rights will be taken away. Due to this, many gay couples rushed to get married just before Bolsonaro was put into office fearing that it would become much harder to get married once he was president. President Bolsonaro has not only targeted members of the LGBT community before, he has also expressed his opinions about the indigenous people of Brazil. He has compared them to zoo animals before: “Why in Brazil do we have to keep them as inmates in reserves, as if they were animals in a zoo?” He plans to demarcate their land and allow mining and farming on their land. It is a scary time to live in Brazil right now if you are a minority, since the president seems to not care about their rights at all.


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