do human rights really exist if they can be taken away so easily? a one person discussion

Human rights were created by humans to ensure that things like holocaust and slavery never happen again. But in places around the world, those very right are being ignored and violated. The Gay-concentration camps in Chechnya, and the African Slave trade. The Gay-concentration camps in Chechnya are a product of the Chechens a mainly Islamic group of people in a part of Russia, the concentration camps are modeled after the Nazi camps. The UN hasn't done anything but demand that they stop... they haven't and won't. The camps violate The Universal declaration of human rights article 5 "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." Africa has become the world's epicenter for the modern slave trade. There is little to not enough being done about this. Slavery itself violates The Universal declaration of human rights article 4 "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms." The people that are in the camps, and in slavery according to the UN has human rights but it seems those people have a case of "Schrodingers Rights" they "have" rights, but they don't "have" rights.


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